Profa.: Claudia A. Sonda

Ingles 2do Grado

Grupos: G, H, I, J, K

Actividades semana 14

Chicos … es importante que realicen las actividades referentes a los videos, recuerda que estos van relacionados al tema que estamos viendo y te sirven para reforzar lo que explicamos en las clases virtuales.

Por otro lado, si por alguna circunstancia no has estado en la clase con más razón es importante que los veas para poder tener una comprensión del tema.

Recuerda que independientemente los temas y las dudas se están tratando en la clase de la semana.

También te comento que de cada video tienes que mandar por escrito la información que te pido en las indicaciones de cada actividad.

Para poder visualizar el video si es que no abrimos esta actividad desde un ordenador (porque ahí esta habilitado el link) tenemos que copiar la dirección en una hoja del buscador y dar enter.

También te digo que como es tema nuevo algunas actividades te serán difíciles de contestar…adelanta lo que puedas y espera a la clase virtual de la semana.

Actividad 1.

Observa el siguiente video y escribe los cuatro ejemplos que se mencionaron relativo a las preguntas de pasado simple y los cuatro ejemplos que se mencionaron en lo relativo a question words.

Actividad 2.

Observa el siguiente video y escribe los siete ejemplos que se mencionaron.

Actividad 3.

Pega en tu cuaderno la siguiente imagen, ilumínala y escribe el significado de cada question Word que esta alrededor de la muñeca.

Conserva esta imagen como apunte.


Actividad 4

Actividad 5

Actividad 6.

Realiza en la lectura las siguientes actividades.

1. Circle in red the name of the caracter of the reading.

2. Circle in blue the year of the Michael Jackson death.

3. Circle in yellow the place where the Michael Jackson’s house is

4. Circle in pink how much time did the autopsy last.

5. Circle in Green the drugs that was found in the Michael Jackson’s body. There are five.

6. Circle in orange the name of the Michael Jackson’s doctor.

7. Circle in purple all the regurar verbs in past (ed)

8. Find and circle in black the following verbs and complete the table with the present of the verbs and their meaning.


























9. Write what happened at these times. (in english)

June 24, 2009

1:00 am



June 25, 2009

12:00 pm



12:26 pm



2:26  pm






What happened on the day of Michael Jackson’s death?

Michael Jackson had been rehearsing past midnight on the night of Wednesday, 24 June 2009, as part of the preparations for a series of much-hyped comeback shows at London’s O2 Arena after years out of the public eye.

According to Jackson’s personal physician Conrad Murray, he attended to the singer in the bedroom of his home in the Holmby Hills neighbourhood of Los Angeles following his return just after 1.00am.

Over the course of the next few hours, Murray said he administered a series of drugs in an attempt to help the singer to sleep, alleging that Jackson said at one point: “Just make me sleep, no matter what”.

Many later attested to the singer’s addiction to painkillers, which was said to have lasted decades, with accounts stating that he referred to the drugs as “milk”.

After the singer finally slept, Murray said he left the bedroom for two minutes at around 12.00pm, but returned to found him in bed and not breathing.

The physician testified that he attempted to revive Jackson for five to 10 minutes before calling for help. He stated that he was hindered by the lack of a landline in the house, and couldn’t call 911 on his cellphone as he was unsure of the house’s exact address.

Paramedics eventually arrived at 12.26pm, five minutes after the 911 call had come in from Jackson’s security and, according to Murray’s lawyer, approximately 30 minutes after the physician had entered the bedroom.

After finding Jackson still wasn’t breathing, the paramedics attempted CPR on him for 42 minutes before he was transported to the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, arriving at 1.14pm.

There are conflicting accounts as to whether the singer still had a pulse when he left his home. Medical personnel were unsuccessful in attempts to resuscitate him at the hospital, and he was pronounced dead at 2.26pm on Thursday, 25 June.


What happened in the aftermath of Michael Jackson’s death?

Following Jackson’s death, his family released the following statement: “Our beloved son, brother, uncle and father of three children has gone so unexpectedly, in such a tragic way and much too soon.

“It leaves us, his family, speechless and devastated to a point, where communication with the outside world seems almost impossible at times.”

The singer’s singer LaToya Jackson also indicated that they would file a lawsuit against anybody they believed was responsible.

A three-hour autopsy was performed in the LA County Coroner’s office the day after Jackson’s death, which found that he died from a combination of drugs, with propofol and lorazepam named as the primary substances.

Among the other drugs found in the pop star’s body were midazolam, diazepam, lidocaine, and ephedrine.

The coroner concluded that his death was a homicide, with Jackson’s family stating that they were “[looking] forward to the day that justice can be served”.

Murray was charged with involuntary manslaughter in February 2010, and eventually stood trial for involuntary manslaughter over Jackson’s death in September 2011.

The defence claimed that the singer had administered the fatal dose of propofol himself after the physician left him in his bedroom on the day of his death.

However, he was found guilty following a six-week trial as Jackson’s family wept quietly in the courtroom, and was sentenced to the maximum of four years in prison.

Murray was released from jail in Los Angeles in October 2013, having served less than two years of his sentence, although his medical licences remained suspended or revoked.


La mecánica de entrega es la misma…resuelvo, pego en el cuaderno, tomo fotografías de mis trabajos y mando esas evidencias al correo:

La fecha de entrega es el día sábado 28 de noviembre 2020 a más tardar a las 11.00 am

Te dejo el link del documento para su consulta e impresión:


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